Batch find and replace

I have a job where the architect is using  multiple  call outs for the same's all based if it's on the floor ,furniture, ceiling, counters ,walls etc.

When I create  my shop drawings I think I plan on using the architects call outs but I want to go back and find and replace the cryptic call outs with  the material  call outs  actually  call out 1 call out per material.  How can I do this in a script. Then add that script into batch mode

  • An example of what you want to do would be worth a lot.

    Are you looking for a straightforward Find & Replace? or are you looking to "find" a number of individual text elements and combine them into one?


    Power GeoPak
    Power InRoads
    OpenRoads Designer 2021 R2


  • Hi Mary

    I would be replacing text call outs something like the following B1, W1, F2, WD-100a, to WD-1. all are the exact same material WD-1

    There would be other scenarios also where another group of call-outs are the same as another material.


    I Wish Cadland was Reality

  • Which version of the software are you using? That might make a difference.

    I can't recall any key-ins for find/replace text, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. You could try searching this board because I think this has come up before.

    It wouldn't be too hard to come up with a simple find and replace VBA macro...EXCEPT that "text" can be text elements, text node elements, notes, dimensions, or nested in cells. Some of which are not really accessible through VBA, and others that require some recursive looping to dig down to the text element itself.

    The nice thing is that the Find/Replace dialog does actually recall some of the most recently used strings.

    I can see what you want to do, but I'm not sure of a good way to automate it.


    Power GeoPak
    Power InRoads
    OpenRoads Designer 2021 R2


  • It wouldn't be too hard to come up with a simple find and replace VBA macro...EXCEPT that "text" can be text elements, text node elements, notes, dimensions, or nested in cells. Some of which are not really accessible through VBA, and others that require some recursive looping to dig down to the text element itself

    This freeware VBA macro already does most of that...

    Text Replace

    The VBA project is not locked, so you can view and edit the VBA code.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Jon this doesnt seem to work properly. I get strange results with the 2 variables matches, replaced Iit may find 9 results and replaces that string with the same text 9 times in the same line


    I Wish Cadland was Reality

  • sorry Jon, the download zip doesnt have the dgn example not the html on how it works... I downloaded from blue btun and from hyperlink  no differnce...


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