Configuration Setup of MS_CELL

I am using MicroStation CONNECT on Windows 10.

The setting for MS_CELL keeps changing back to a previously set value.

I have Microstation Workset setup (TEST) on a network.  The TEST.CFG has MS_CELL set up to look at two folders (Z:/Microstation/ALL/Cell/;Z:/Microstation/SPECIAL/cell/).  I looked at the TEST.cfg file and see that it is set correctly.  I have not set MS_CELL in the personal.ucf file.  When I load Microstation the MS_CELL reverts to a folder I used some time ago i.e. it is set to MS_CELL=C:/Cell Library/. When I check my workset configuration with key in MDL LOAD CFGVARS WORKSET TEST I see that it has changed to MS_CELL=C:/Cell Library/.  Why?  It has been driving me crazy.  Where is Microstation getting this value (C:/Cell Library/) from?  Can someone help me?

  • Where is Microstation getting this value (C:/Cell Library/) from? 

    I don't know the answer to that question, but I can set you on the path to find the answer.

    Lookup Debugging Configuration Files in MicroStation Help. Use the Windows command-line -debug switch to create an msdebug.txt file.  Examine that file to see where variable MS_CELL is defined, and potentially redefined.

    The Administration Forum might prove more fruitful.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Jon,

    Thanks for that info.  It helped me look thru' the text file and find out where MS_CELL gets redefined.  This is what happens:

    I have 3 worksets: TEST, VECTOR, WORK.

    When I choose the Workset: TEST, its sets MS_CELL per the TEXT.cfg like it is supposed to, but then it also sets it per VECTOR.cfg and then WORK.cfg.  So, the final workset setting (WORK) is what results.  In short, it seems to run all the the 3 worksets in alphabetical order.

    Now, the funny thing is when I use the VECTOR workset, it just runs the VECTOR work set, which is fine!

    Similarly, choosing the WORK workset, it just runs the WORK work set, which is also fine!

    Why, it does not do the same with TEST workset alludes me?  I have to look into this a little more later.


    Dilip Bhandarkar

    Please cancel my subscription as I have retired.

    Dilip Bhandarkar

  • Jon,

    I figured it out.  The workset configuration file TESTING.cfg had a setting _USTN_WORKSETROOT  = Z:/WorkSpaces/MAIN/WorkSets/. It should have been _USTN_WORKSETROOT  = Z:/WorkSpaces/MAIN/WorkSets/TESTING/ - with TESTING/ appended.

    This whole WORKSPACE  configuration is cumbersome.

    Anyway, thanks for your help. 


    Dilip Bhandarkar

    Please cancel my subscription as I have retired.

    Dilip Bhandarkar