[V8i Ss4/10] Open a Custom Task

I have created a task named Structures Main. 

What key-ins would allow me to open this as a task and as a toolbox?

Parents Reply
  • As long as the new task dialog you want to open is a workflow and not a task, you can open it in its own task window. To do this, either right-click on the workflow and select "open (workflowname) in new dialog".

    The key in would be "tasktoolbox open (workflowname)" So if you wanted to open the Drawing Composition workflow as its own Task Dialog, then keyin "tasktoolbox open Drawing Composition".

    you can also control the look of the dialog with this key in, "tasktoolbox viewmode panel". The options are just like the dialog options when right-clicking on them, panel, icon or list. So for a complete open and set visual, keyin "tasktoolbox open Drawing Composition; tasktoolbox viewmode panel"


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