Annotation Scale for my Dimensions is not showing up correctly

For some reason I can't get my annotation scale to display correctly. I have my dimension scale setting for my dimension style set up. My drawing is in feet and inches. So my text size is .01. All of the dimension style settings were already created by DOTD and this style is for my drawing feet and inches. I am plotting my model at 1" = 25'. I set my model properties correctly for the 1"=25', which is Design 300 and paper 1. But for some reason, when I dimension anything under this style, it shows up way too small.  I will attach screenshots of my settings. I have been drafting in AutoCAD for nearly 20 years, but I am new to MicroStation, so I'm sure its some setting I don't have applied for the annotation scale to display correctly.  Please help. Again, I will attach screenshots of my settings for you to look at.  Thanks in advance. I also placed a screenshot of what the dimension looks like when I dimension something as well.

Parents Reply
  • OK, I can see what you mean, and I know the fix.

    In the Dimension Settings dialog box, go to the Advanced tab
    Expand the General properties, then expand the Placement properties

    There is a setting for "Annotation scale". Right now it is set to 1. Click on that, and uncheck the box. It will turn to (300) - the parentheses indicate it is using the "active" annotation scale.

    That setting was locking your dimensions to an annotation scale of 1 no matter what you were going to do with your drawing. I don't really even know why that setting is there...but that was the problem. Uncheck that, and things will start behaving correctly.

    That was a weird one - I can't say I've never seen that setting, but I'd never bothered with it before.


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    Answer Verified By: Chris LeMay 
