When I open an AutoCAD Drawing File why are all the multiline text on level 0 and the level they are on in AutoCAD?


  • I looks like you're using MicroStation to open a DWG file.

    What version (e.g. v10.x.y.z) of MicroStation are you using?

    > When I open an AutoCAD Drawing File why are all the multiline text on level 0

    You're screenshot shows a text node element on level V-CTRL-IDEN.  I don't understand your question.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Thank you very much for your response. The PDF has two pages. The second page shows that each line of the multiline text is on level 0. I have recently loaded Microstation Connects Edition version for purposes of being able to open AutoCAD 2019 Files to save to Micostation DGN's. I also have Powersurvey V8i version which I have used to translate files from AutoCAD 2017 to Microstation for many years but it is not compatible with AutoCAD 2019. The textnode in question mysteriously disappears in sheet models and performs erratically. If I drop the text node to text it goes to the Level 0. When I turn off Level 0 the Textnode is still visible but unselectable. It does not perform this way in Powersurvey V8i version or any other Microstation software I have ever used. In Powersurvey the textnode and the individual lines of text are on the level/layer they are on in AutoCAD. I was wondering if there was a setting or a configuration variable that I had missed in my setup to cause this problem. Perhaps a DWG file will Help. Please see attached.Text Node Levels.dwg

  • Please see attached.Text Node Levels.dwg

    I see the same as you when using the Analyze Element tool with MicroStation CONNECT v10.14.02.

    One of the Bentley guys may be able to comment.  The DWG guru used to be  but we don't see him on this Forum these days.  I don't know who is the current DWG guru.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

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