Use remapping CSV to find all Levels with the word "text" in the name that are also white and changing the color

Is there a way to use the remapping CSV to find every level that has the word "text" in it's name AND is also white and change their color to yellow?

  • Have you created a remapping CSV?  Can you post an example of what you want to find from that CSV (it's a plain text file)?

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Yes I have created a remapping CSV.  Can I post an example of what I want to find FROM the CSV?  I don't understand your question...

    Let me rephrase mine:  I want to use the CSV to remap every level in a DGN that contains the word "text" and is white to a DWG layer with the same name as the original DGN level but with a color other than white.

  • Can I post an example of what I want to find FROM the CSV?

    Yes: use menu Insert|Insert image/video/file.

    I want to use the CSV to remap every level in a DGN that contains the word "text" and is white to a DWG layer with the same name as the original DGN level but with a color other than white

    A CSV file is plain text, so you can edit it with Notepad or similar.  You can edit using Excel, but it may introduce unwanted formatting.

    The trick to remapping colour is to figure out the correct colour number for DWG white.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • ???  How are we getting our wires crossed?  I know how to post a CSV file.  What I don't understand is HOW posting my CSV file helps answer my question.  I don't know how to create a CSV to do what I'm asking.

    Right now the only thing my CSV contains is:


    That works fine.  But it doesn't search for all other layers with "text" in the name and change those as well.

  • What I don't understand is HOW posting my CSV file helps answer my question

    Because it clarifies your question.  If someone knows the answer, they can post a modified version of your CSV file.  That answer will then be clear to you.

    it doesn't search for all other layers with "text" in the name

    A CSV file is just data.  It can't search for anything. 

    What you need to produce is a new CSV file that has a line for each level you want mapped...


    You need a list of MicroStation levels in text format.  Then you can use a text editor find tool to identify each text level.  Then add each to your CSV file in the above format.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions