Be Communities Ideas

I think the Ideas Forum is a great idea!

If I want to point someone towards a particular Idea, I would like to provide a link (or URL).  However, I notice that wherever you are in the Ideas Forum, the URL is always the same:

For example, suppose I want to direct someone to vote on my Idea MS-I-399.  How can I do that?  Perhaps can comment?

Parents Reply
  • Hello Tuan,

    Thank you for reaching out. You are absolutely right, ideas are meant to be new features, workflows or services, which usually equate to enhancements or epics in software development lingo. However, we have seen a few ideas over the years that are either entirely or partially driven by existing functionality limitations or defects, hence we can also link ideas to these items in our backlog.

    I hope this helps.

    Best regards,

    Eduardo L

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