Max gap ratio


Where can I find the settings to change the gap ratio to numbers in microstation v8i ss3 version windows 10 when measuring the area using the flood option.

Appreciate your help.



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  • I found the max gap on flood fill create region seemed to work better  in v8i  than in Connect 13 ... but it might just be my data..

    example would be I have 0.02m actual gap  in a line  ie they are not joined or single line, in V8i  I would set the max gap  trial and error  a few times and it would literally jump the gap and create a closed element  fill.. but in connect this is not working for me no matter what number I set.. I just have to go find gaps when it wont fill.. I suppose  I should use data clean up flag gaps  but the source file is a ref file and i want to create coloured filled shapes in the active file.....anybody else found this or figured it  out? My quick fix is to make smart line criss cross  over several places in my  line work then try and flood file in between until I find the little portion that  refuses to fill ie enclosed.. ( by the way arcs in complex lines are  particularly sensitive to this not working in Connect 13 for me..


    Started msnt work 1990 - Retired  Nov 2022 ( oh boy am I old )

    But was long time user V8iss10 ( dabbler CE  update 16 ( 

    MicroStation user since 1990 Melbourne Australia.
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  • I found the max gap on flood fill create region seemed to work better  in v8i  than in Connect 13 ... but it might just be my data

    There are a number of tools that, as related in this Forum, don't work quite the same way in CONNECT as they did in V8i.  Can you isolate a problem set of boundary lines & curves and attach that DGN here?  That way, the analysts have something to work with.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • We have noticed the same. The max gap on flood fill create region works better in v8i than in any versions of CE (currently CE16). That is one of many CE related problems that keeps our Microstation users using V8i SS10 instead of CE. We are using flood fill a lot  so this is a harmful bug.

  • I have reported it that Max(imum) Gap is not working as expected but got reply that it is WAD. Asked then to at least explain it in documentation but nothing has changed.

    The help is wrong, it has never worked in v8i or CE the way it is explained in help. Even when connected the end points it didn't connect by shortest distance but connected point before last point to first point. I no longer show max gap as an option to users as it is too complicated to explain what to expect just set it to 0:

    Max Gap:(Method set to Flood only) Sets the largest distance allowed between consecutive elements. If zero, the elements must connect to bind an area.

    Screenshot from year 2014:

  • Ok I built some new data then tried in both v8i and CE  and it still works as it always has even with arcs and  islands the trick is understanding what that max gap means so in my  new example I have complex line , arcs and straights but a deliberate GAP between an Arc and a  line of 0.00955 m  when I try flood   with max gap 0 or 0.01, or 0.1 or 0.2  it fails and spills out , 

    However in both versions if I set the max gap to 0.015 it jumps the gap and creates the filled region and locates the interior islands

    I tried 0.012 and it fails  even if rounded up my real gap 0.01m  so it works but the number of the max gap doesnt really relate to the true gap as it would be expected... previous results must have been the data itself was bad leading to false conclusion regarding Connect edition and this tool.. but I only tried a single set of line works...


    oops I thought I did .. went off line before I noticed .. now attached


    Started msnt work 1990 - Retired  Nov 2022 ( oh boy am I old )

    But was long time user V8iss10 ( dabbler CE  update 16 ( 

    MicroStation user since 1990 Melbourne Australia.
    click link to PM me