"Tentative point" works different if AccuDraw is enabled or not.


I don´t know if this scenario is WAD or not:

If "AccuDraw" is ON and then I draw a polyline (Place SmartLine) with several segments and press Tentative Point (left and right button). If I do Reset button (right-click) then I could pick to another location.


If "AccuDraw" is OFF and I do the same:........................................................................................................................................................................................................... then it is a CANCEL, so I would create a new polyline if I pick a new location.

So, AccuDraw and Tentative point are related together?

Example with "AccuDraw= ON" first and then OFF.

Parents Reply
  • Oooooh.... Fight.
    I would not say that Tentative is superseded technology, merely supplemented by AccuSnap.
    There are things you can do with a good old manual Tentative snap that AccuSnap just cant.
    eg. find the apparent intersection of two line that are not actually crossing.
    It also provides a nice positive lock onto a snap point when you have a shaky mouse hand that AccuSnap sometime struggles with, especially in 3D

    However, I can confirm that the presence/absence of AccuDraw does change the behaviour of a Reset after a Tentative snap.
    This has long been the case, even in back in v8i. But who in their right mind is working with out AccuDraw anyway? ;-)
