Tif and DGN

I can open my tif's in MicroSoft Connect upon first encounter, but after they have been fixed in Photoshop and ran through batches in which we have done millions of times, I can no longer open the tif files.  Anyone know what I can do to fix this?

  • When you save the file, trying unticking the options which appear on the dialog which tends to add in more data and increase file size. I don't have photoshop but doing similar in GIMP has usually solved any raster file issues.

    Also, if you are considering changing file-types, prefer PNG over JPG. JPG is uses lossy compression (meaning it loses quality) whereas PNG is lossless and retains full quality. Just my £0.02

  • When you save the file, trying unticking the options which appear on the dialog which tends to add in more data and increase file size. I don't have photoshop but doing similar in GIMP has usually solved any raster file issues.

    Also, if you are considering changing file-types, prefer PNG over JPG. JPG is uses lossy compression (meaning it loses quality) whereas PNG is lossless and retains full quality. Just my £0.02

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