Update Cell key-in for batch process?

I have not been able to find a key-in for the Update Cell tool.  Does such a thing exist?  I would like to use Batch Process to update sheet border cells in multiple sheet models in several dgns.

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  • to set the sheet model  the keyin is  from help

    MODEL ACTIVE <model_name>

    pays to use 

    fit view extended

    file design ( at the end)

    so in your case the modified script reads




    choose all
    replace cells extended
    selview 1
    choose none



    This then saves th changes so the sheet model is saved as the default on next opening too...

    Remember it pays to name the sheet model always the same name  and case sensitive mine here is in this example SHEET be careful avoid spaces in model names or you need to enclose with quote marks "Sheet   A3"
    Tip  I use the first two lines and  file design in a batch script at end of projects to force  the sheet model to be the default  when opening a dgn in my  projects
    BTW don't you have to specify which cell otherwise all cells are updated?


    Started msnt work 1990 - Retired  Nov 2022 ( oh boy am I old )

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    MicroStation user since 1990 Melbourne Australia.
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