Pattern angle orientation absolute or by element


is there an option to handle the orientation angle of patterns / hatches in Microstation?

Here you see the same polygon from two referenced DGN with the same pattern angle of 0°:

In 3d DGN (yellow) the pattern is oriented to the first edge (upper left edge) so the pattern of 0° is parallel to that edge.

In the attached 2d DGN (red) the pattern is oriented absolute in north direction, so 0° is from west to east.

Is there an option / configuration variable to handle that issue? It should look the same despite its dimensionality.

The geometry isn't created in Microstation (FME) and the pattern is associated to it's boundary. And we use Microstation Update 16 but we see it in OpenCities Map or others too.

Kind Regards,

Maik Hertel

  • I know that in V8i, patterns are placed with the angle relative to the View, so it is entirely possible to generate patterns (even within the same design file) with the same "angle" but different presentations. Patterns are not View Independent, so they "look" exactly the way they were placed. If they need to appear a certain way, they need to be placed that way - with the same view orientation/rotation.

    If you would like the option of a View Independent pattern, you may want to post an Idea.

    If you believe the 3D pattern is being placed incorrectly, you may need to file a service ticket.


    Power GeoPak
    Power InRoads
    OpenRoads Designer 2021 R2


  • If you believe the 3D pattern is being placed incorrectly, you may need to file a service ticket.
    The geometry isn't created in Microstation (FME)

    Bentley service ticket won't help if it is done in FME. FME issues should be reported here -

    But don't expect much from FME. It is based on v7 DGN reader so is outdated and not updated often. For example pattern scale is most likely still not supported.

  • FME also has v8 format and even XFM feature support. But I don't know how it is even possible that I see two similar geometries with the same hatch angle but different hatch orientation.

    I created a polygon in Microstation and added some pattern parameters (without using hatch area function) and it's also oriented to the first polygon edge. Adding hatches with VBA is the same behaviour.

    I'm just missing the parameter handling the orientation.

  • FME also has v8 format and even XFM feature support. But I don't know how it is even possible that I see two similar geometries with the same hatch angle but different hatch orientation.

    I created a polygon in Microstation and added some pattern parameters (without using hatch area function) and it's also oriented to the first polygon edge. Adding hatches with VBA is the same behaviour.

    I'm just missing the parameter handling the orientation.

  • But I don't know how it is even possible that I see two similar geometries with the same hatch angle but different hatch orientation.

    Mary already told you the answer; the Angle value displayed in the Element Information/Properties is the angle of the pattern at the time it was applied ( relative to the view regardless of its rotation ). I presume you think it SHOULD be relative to a World axis datum (X in the case of a 2D file), but that isn't how it works hence why you can get the same hatch appearance, but entirely different angle values.