Why does my Plan Callout not align to the current ACS?

Floorplan Sections.dgnI have a building model (from a customer) that is rotated by 8.335°. So I have created a ACS accordingly. With the ACS "BAU" active an ACS Plane Lock ON I rotate to T for Top


To create Floor Plans etc. I place Plan Callouts (for Groundfloor, Fist Floor, Raised Floor) So I rotate my View to the current ACS front and place a Plan Callout


The resulting Callout goes along the Global Coordinates not the ACS or the according View that I had rotated to. Why? 

Any Line drawn in the same front view (the red line) follows the Views Rotation

Link for the file Floorplan Sectioon.dgn plus references (I tried to reduce the size of the buidling file but finally have to provide the Link)