Fatal error in file


From time to time I experience that small acctions makes the file/Microstation to crash.

Today I have had several situations where MIcrostation just crash and disapear.  It could be when I press CTRL+F (Save settings) or are moving a view on the sheet. I think it's an errror in the file that makes the program to break down. The question is if it's possible to run a scan of the file in question to see if something is gone bad in it. I mean, the data structure in te file is rather complex, so I could easily understand if an error could sneak into the file.

The problem is that with a bunch of references, added and a bunch of drawing views and and a sheet in the file it aren't a simple task just to start all over again.  The file is to complex to just copy the elements from the  bad file into a brand one. To redo it all could easily consume the most of a day. With a deadline coming up shortly it's not the thing to spend the time with.

Any suggestions? How do you guys handle situations like this ? Do you experience situations like this at all ?

If it means anything for someone, the  Microstaion version is:

Thank you in advance

Ole Bro