Jump on 0-5-10 mm


Can someone tell me if there is a global setting that let dimensions  jump on 0-5-10mm.

I‘m trying to change dimensions from such as 3256mm to 3255mm /4559mm to 4560mm without doing it manually.


Parents Reply
  • What you need to do is enter the following keyin:

    mdl load calculat; calculator mdlDimStyle_setDoubleProp(mdlDimStyle_getActive(), 5.0, 1083)

    You also need to ensure you dimension style is set to 0.1 accuracy for it to work correctly. Don't worry it wont actually display dims with any decimal places (unless you choose to enable trailing zeros) but it needs this setting for the dim values to work.

    To stop using the round up, just run the keyin below:

    mdl load calculat; calculator mdlDimStyle_setDoubleProp(mdlDimStyle_getActive(), 1.0, 1083)

