Hide @ Arial Unicode MS Normal in MstnFontConfig.xml


Can I hide @ Arial Unicode MS Normal in MstnFontConfig.xml (I want to hide "or remove" all @fonts) if there is a way, how?

Microstation SS2

Windows 7 32 and 64 bit Enterprice





PS deleting fonts in windows is NOT an option


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Inga

    I have my self writed in that thread so yes I know about it, but the @fonts are different. @fonts are inbedded with other font names in rows so I can´t hide the row., I am at home so I don´t have the MstnFontConfig.xml, could you attach your MstnFontConfig.xml to this thread so I can mark the problem rows so I can explain better.

    Best Regards


  • Hi

    Found the file on Google

    Here is the example of @fonts inbedded in row (marked red), how can I hide or remove all @fonts without having to hide the whole row. There is also a question asked first, what is the idea of these @fonts????

    <!-- put SHX fonts here -->

       <ShxFontInfo>     <!-- Japanese SHX fonts -->







  • The following are my results in MS SS2 and MS SS3:

    Down near the bottom of the MSFontConfig.xml,  I edited these lines to include some of the fonts that started with "@" and set Hidden to True. 

    It remove those fonts from the font list as shown. 

    Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the problem?


    <!-- For TrueType fonts not listed above. -->
                <Name>@arial Unicode MS,@batang,@BatangChe,@DFkai-SB,@Dotum,@DotumChe,@FangSong,@Gulim,@GulimChe,@Gungsuh,@GungsuhChe,@KaiTi</Name>




  • Unknown said:

    what is the idea of these @fonts????


    A bit of Googling turned up this tidbit - I have no knowledge if this applies to Bentley product.  One of the developers will have to jump in on this thread to provide additional detail.

    These @fonts are found when using multiple character set fonts in Windows 2000 and Windows XP and are there by design and only appear in applications that support them.  The reason for the @fonts are for setting vertical Asian text to be rotated counterclockwise by 90 degrees. 

  • Hi Inga

    Ok, so you added manually all the @fonts to this part in MSFontConfig.xml

    <!-- this section allows hiding (removing from user interface) TrueType fonts -->


           <Name>@arial Unicode MS,@batang,@BatangChe,@DFkai-SB,@Dotum,@DotumChe,@FangSong,@Gulim,@GulimChe,@Gungsuh,@GungsuhChe,@KaiTi</Name>


    and activated the line

           <Hidden>False</Hidden>              <!-- set this to True to hide all TrueType Fonts -->

    to this

          <Hidden>True</Hidden>              <!-- set this to True to hide all TrueType Fonts -->


    Have I understand your workflow right ?,

     because I was searching (hoping) for a raw hide function for ALL @fonts, like

     <Name>@*</Name   <Hidden>True</ Hidden>

    but your workflow works, Thanks Inga

    Is there any explanation about the idea of the @fonts, do I need them anyway or is it Ok to hide them??

    Best regards

