Using Global Positioning System(GPS) utility in Windows 8

There is an issue using GPS utility(Tools->Geographics->GPS) in Windows 8 Tablet PC. This utility allows only Garmin USB or NMEA-Compatible COM port GPS receivers but internal GPS module for Tablet doesn't provide such interface. In Windows 8 there are no Virtual COM ports for internal GPS modules as the drivers for W8 are different. Is it a known issue and are there any workarounds how to connect it?

  • It appears this is not currently possible to achieve in MicroStation, I would like to file an Enhancement for the product, can you please answer the below questions to aid in getting your full perspective across to development:

    What exactly are you attempting to achieve?

    Why is this change needed?

    How are you currently working without this change?

    How will this improve your workflow?

    Thank you,

    Dan Koval

    BSW Solutions Manager

  • What exactly are you attempting to achieve?

    Would like to use delivered Microstation GPS Utility in Windows 8 with PC internal GPS modules.

    Why is this change needed?

    In Windows 8 the GPS interface has changed and is no more compatible with old way of connecting GPS devices trough Virtual COM ports. GPS Utility is no more compatible with Windows 8.

    How are you currently working without this change?

    Not possible to use internal GPS at all. Windows 8 compatible GPS drivers doesn't create Virtual serial ports anymore and can be accessed only using Windows Location API.

    How will this improve your workflow?

    Internal GPS could be used in W8

  • What exactly are you attempting to achieve?

    Would like to use delivered Microstation GPS Utility in Windows 8 with PC internal GPS modules.

    Why is this change needed?

    In Windows 8 the GPS interface has changed and is no more compatible with old way of connecting GPS devices trough Virtual COM ports. GPS Utility is no more compatible with Windows 8.

    How are you currently working without this change?

    Not possible to use internal GPS at all. Windows 8 compatible GPS drivers doesn't create Virtual serial ports anymore and can be accessed only using Windows Location API.

    How will this improve your workflow?

    Internal GPS could be used in W8
