Raster Reference Origin. Why is it where it is?

OK this has bother me for quite awhile so I need to ask.

If you attach a raster reference the default location places with the upper left corner of the image at 0,0.

If you attach interactive it uses 2 opposite corners via data points.

The question is why is the origin of the file the UPPER left corner of the the BOTTOM left pixel?  Why not at the corner of the image? 

  • Hi David,  As noted, if you attach a non-georeferenced image - the upper left corner of the upper left pixel is placed at location 0,0.  The grid in the graphic below shows the extents of each pixel. 

    Once placed, the origin of the image is reported as the lower left corner of the lower left pixel as shown below.  The Raster Origin is defined where the raster is located geographically.  The accepted industry standard for the raster origin is the lower left corner of the raster, but it can vary depending on the format. 

    Why MicroStation doesn't place the Image Origin at the Design File origin is unknown to me.

    Answer Verified By: DavidG 

  • Hi David,  As noted, if you attach a non-georeferenced image - the upper left corner of the upper left pixel is placed at location 0,0.  The grid in the graphic below shows the extents of each pixel. 

    Once placed, the origin of the image is reported as the lower left corner of the lower left pixel as shown below.  The Raster Origin is defined where the raster is located geographically.  The accepted industry standard for the raster origin is the lower left corner of the raster, but it can vary depending on the format. 

    Why MicroStation doesn't place the Image Origin at the Design File origin is unknown to me.

    Answer Verified By: DavidG 

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