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Volume Clip Range Display

Hi Communities,

Does anyone know if there is a key in for toggling on and off the cut, back forward and outside of a clip volume? 

Thanks and regards 


  • Hi Oliver,

    some notes:

    • Please, ask in MicroStation Forum! This is Idea section that should be used for another purpose than to discuss problems.
    • What does it mean "to have success"
    • Please use Insert > Insert Code tool to share key-ins. A picture is useful often to explain situation, but not when key-ins, scripts or code are discussed, because nothing can be copied directly from picture.
    • You use key-ins in some VBA script. Did you test them also manually? It's mandatory step, always.
    • A half of key-in you used is useless, because you enable and disable the same setting. To disable is enough (and to enable should be removed).
    • You are chaning View 1 (because number 0 is used), is it correct?



  • Jan, I have tried doing this but I don't seem to have success. Am I doing something wrong? I input the following VIEWATTRIBUTESDIALOG SETCLIPVOLUMEATTRIBUTE 0 Forward Display Enabled



  • Thank you Jan. I am interested in MicroStation V8i. That helps me out.

    Thank you


  • Hi Oliver,

    you posted your question to Ideas section, which I suppose is mistake, because Ideas section is used to vote about MicroStation new feature ideas, not to answer questions and issues.

    You also did not provide any information what product (MicroStation, PowerCivil...) and version (V8i, CONNECT Edition) do you use.

    I recommend to use VBA macro recorder to find out what key-ins can be used. It does not work for all tools and settings, but it provides good results in this case:

    what ... FORWARD | BACKWARD | CUT
    state ... ENABLED | DISABLED

    With regards,
