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Convert Text Node To Text for extrude

Is there anyway to convert the element type? 

I need to extrude the text. 

Text allows me to do extrude
Text node does not. 

  • FYI:
    In MicroStation Connect there is a Thickness value listed in the Properties dialog for any selected Text and Text Nodes in a 3D model. You can specify a thickness value there and the text or text node will be extruded to that amount. 

    There is a known defect with Text Nodes that causes the Thickness field of text nodes to always show a value of zero.

  • Interesting. I did the same thing, but had Text checked on. In v8i, having Text checked on will drop the text node to plain text. Clicking on the plain text again drops it to individual elements. I guess that CONNECT does not require Text to be checked on to drop the node.

    Good to know. I have not been using CONNECT very much.

  • I am using Open Building Connect Build 6 actually. Thank for the suggestion but i found that the attached setting can drop the text node to text element for extrude to work. :) 

  • What version are you using?

    V8i you can just use the Drop Element tool and make sure "Text" is checked on. This will drop the Text Node to Text. If you click on each line of text after that you will start dropping the text to individual elements.

    Apparently CONNECT has changed this function where text node get dropped to individual elements on the first click