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Under Review

Enhancement #793589 has been filed.

Measure Length/Measure distance/Measure Area improvements

There is a "Measure Length"  tool to measure element length(Line,Line string etc). It is little bit flawed because it doesn't reset measured length after measurement so if two lines are in identical length it is hard to tell if next line was measured correctly or it is the result of previous measurement. To counter this you have to measure line and then check that there is no "No elements found" message in status bar which is very inconvient as need to look in two places to double check measurement if it was correct or not.

Also measure tools are missing option to quickly place measurement result as annotation. Yes insert text field can be used but it requires too much steps to be used for production. This should be implemented in standardtool and not as custom area/civtool utilities which is not even available on Power platform.