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[Text styles]Bring back Text justification=None

Justification=None which was available in earlier versions is gone and now opening older files it shows as Invalid. According to Bentley: in previous versions of MicroStation, the dropdown for the Justification property included "None" as an option. That was a bug, which we corrected in CONNECT.

But we need to separate Justification from Text Style. Text justification should NOT be part of Text style, placing text with override justification should NOT change active text style. Also it is not compatible with DWG files where Text justification is NOT part of Text style. Standards checker tool is not configurable to not check justification in DWG because of this. Even working in DWG workmode Microstation corrupts textstyles by resetting them to Top Left origin or by updating text style if editing text elements with overridden justification settings which are different from text style. We need justification independent styles. It is unneeded that  a style for each text justification is required.

Now if changing active text justification it changes local text style and then if text style is saved all text is updated. It won't cause issues if text would remain in place when changing text justification but it doesn't.

Asked for a formal change request(Enhancement 716377 and Enhancement #657808) to implement justification independent text styles so  justification can be overridden when placing text without changing text styles.

Others please also register this CR so it could gain more traction in Bentley internals.