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Text Border VBA


Type txtBorder

  gg As Long

  lineWeight As Integer

  color As Long

  level As String

  prio As Long  'V8i 

End Type

Public tBorder As txtBorder

' ===============================================================================

Sub textBorder()

  Dim sScanEnumerator As ElementEnumerator

  Dim sElement As element

  Dim gg As Long

  Dim sFence As Fence

  tBorder.lineWeight = 4

  tBorder.color = 16

  tBorder.level = "Border"

  Set sFence = ActiveDesignFile.Fence

  If ActiveModelReference.AnyElementsSelected Or sFence.IsDefined Then

     If ActiveModelReference.AnyElementsSelected Then

        Set sScanEnumerator = ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements


        Set sScanEnumerator = sFence.GetContents

     End If


     Do While sScanEnumerator.MoveNext

        Set sElement = sScanEnumerator.Current

        If sElement.Type = msdElementTypeText Or sElement.Type = msdElementTypeTextNode Then

           besuTextBorder sElement, tBorder

           tBorder.prio = sElement.DisplayPriority 'v8i

        End If



     CommandState.StartLocate New classTextBorder

  End If

End Sub

Function besuTextBorder(sElement As element, tBorder As txtBorder)

   gg = UpdateGraphicGroupNumber 'CurrentGraphicGroup

   tBorder.gg = gg

    If sElement.Type = msdElementTypeTextNode Then

       dropElemTN sElement, tBorder

    End If

    If sElement.Type = msdElementTypeText Then

       dropElemT sElement, tBorder

    End If

    sElement.GraphicGroup = tBorder.gg


End Function

' ===============================================================================

Function dropElemTN(oEle As element, tBorder As txtBorder)

    ShowStatus ""

    On Error GoTo NoElement

    If oEle.IsDroppableElement Then

        Dim oDE As DroppableElement

        Dim oEE As ElementEnumerator

        Set oDE = oEle

        Set oEE = oDE.Drop

        Do While oEE.MoveNext

            If oEE.Current.Type = msdElementTypeText Then

               dropElemT oEE.Current, tBorder.gg

            End If


    End If

    Exit Function


    ShowStatus "Element not found"

End Function

' ===============================================================================

Function dropElemT(oEle As element, tBorder As txtBorder)

    ShowStatus ""

    On Error GoTo NoElement

    If oEle.IsDroppableElement Then

        Dim oNew As element

        Dim oDE As DroppableElement

        Dim oEE As ElementEnumerator

        Set oDE = oEle

        Set oEE = oDE.Drop

        Do While oEE.MoveNext

            Set oNew = oEE.Current

            ActiveModelReference.AddElement oNew

            oNew.lineWeight = tBorder.lineWeight

            oNew.color = tBorder.color

            oNew.DisplayPriority = tBorder.prio - 1  'v8i

            oNew.GraphicGroup = tBorder.gg

            oNew.level = besuLevel(tBorder.level & "_" & oEle.level.Name)


            If oNew.IsClosedElement Then

               oNew.AsClosedElement.FillMode = msdFillModeNotFilled


            End If

            If oNew.IsCellElement Then

               CellElem oNew.AsCellElement

            End If


    End If

    Exit Function


    ShowStatus "Element not found"

End Function

' ===============================================================================

Function CellElem(cEle As CellElement)

  Dim cComponents As ElementEnumerator

  On Error GoTo NoElement

  Set cComponents = cEle.GetSubElements

  Do While cComponents.MoveNext

    Dim cComponent As element

    Set cComponent = cComponents.Current

    If cComponent.IsClosedElement Then

       cComponent.AsClosedElement.FillMode = msdFillModeNotFilled


    End If



    Exit Function


    ShowStatus "Element not found"

End Function

' ===============================================================================

Function besuLevel(levname As String) As level

   Set besuLevel = ActiveDesignFile.Levels.Find(levname)

   If besuLevel Is Nothing Then

      CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "level create " & Chr(34) & levname & Chr(34)

      'Set besuLevel = ActiveDesignFile.Levels.Find(levname)

   End If

   Set besuLevel = ActiveDesignFile.Levels.Find(levname)
End Function


class module


Option Explicit

Implements ILocateCommandEvents

' ===============================================================================


' ===============================================================================

Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_Accept(ByVal element As element, point As Point3d, ByVal View As View)

    besuTextBorder element, tBorder

'    CommandState.StartPrimitive New classDrawValve

End Sub

' ===============================================================================


' ===============================================================================

Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_Cleanup()

End Sub

' ===============================================================================


' ===============================================================================

Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_Dynamics(point As Point3d, _

    ByVal View As View, ByVal DrawMode As MsdDrawingMode)

End Sub

' ===============================================================================


' ===============================================================================

Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_LocateFailed()

    CommandState.StartLocate New classTextBorder

End Sub

' ===============================================================================


' ===============================================================================

Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_LocateFilter(ByVal element As element, _

    point As Point3d, Accepted As Boolean)

    Accepted = False

    If (element.IsTextElement) Or (element.IsTextNodeElement) Then

            Accepted = True

    End If

End Sub

' ===============================================================================


' ===============================================================================

Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_LocateReset()

    CommandState.StartLocate New classTextBorder

'    CommandState.StartDefaultCommand

End Sub

' ===============================================================================


' ===============================================================================

Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_Start()

    Dim lc As LocateCriteria

    Set lc = CommandState.CreateLocateCriteria(False)

    CommandState.SetLocateCriteria lc


    ShowCommand "Place Component"

    ShowPrompt "Select Text or TextNode"

End Sub
