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[Print dialog] Revert back to not print when hitting Enter key

The latest introduced additional "Print" and "Print to PDF" button in CE and v8i SS4 Print dialog right bottom corner breaks typical workflow. As the button is always in focus then hitting "Enter" key from keyboard when changing values in input fields(Scale, size etc) automatically prints document to printer.
This makes users really angry and wastes lot of paper by mistake. It should be possible to hide this button and revert to previous workflow.

According to reply from Bentley: This is just an added convenience with the additional print button and available print on keyboard enter button. Also makes it more industry and windows standard.

It may be Windows/Office standard but there is big difference, in other programs you don't have Preview window which needs to be updated when changing scale for example. This is unacceptable as it sends print jobs without users notice and it is exception from other Microstation tool behaviour. There should be only one item in focus for any time, it is against normal practice about how input fields work in other programs. It is not only about old habits, Enter doesn't equal Print.

Or maybe just ask to press Enter twice and show status message near Print button that hitting Enter again will Print.

  • Is there any example that this is industry standard? Where is similar print dialog with preview which doesn't refresh until hitting a key. And how does Enter equals Print? Why make a change that no one asked for?

    On computer keyboards, the enter key in most cases causes a command line, window form, or dialog box to operate its default function. This is typically to finish an "entry" and begin the desired process, and is usually an alternative to pressing an OK button. 

    The desired process after input and hitting Enter key is to approve the input and make the Preview window to refresh and not to Print.