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File Open > Browse > File Details Columns + Search Filters

Transfered from EAP Ideas list

1. Click on File Open.

2. There is an option at the bottom to browse for a file (folder icon). Click on that brings up a Windows dialog.

3. It would be good if Mstn could feed Windows some dgn info like the Default Model's Description, Ref Logical etc. A lot of firms will not have ProjectWise etc and not have any or adequately long text descriptions behind the file name.

The Windows File Open dialog box seems to have a lot of 'Details' to choose from that can be added as a Column. It would be good if the Default Model's Name, Description, Ref Logical could be made available.

4. Search: it would be good give the Search tool a bit more filter options... that reflect the properties that dgn's have... including Item Type information. I can this being useful.

a. Filter for all dgn's with the Item Type 'Assembly- Stair 1' .

b. Filter for all Ref attachments in "Refs:BSI300AE9-Core.dgn:Core -1 -1' nest depth 1, exclude those attachments with 'ignore attachment with live nesting' set.

c. Filter combos that use WIndow's AQS
