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Under Review

Options for Element Info dialog

Often times the users is unaware of the fact that, having the Element Info dialog open can be the cause of apparently slow responses from MicroStation.

For example:

If you have the Element Info dialog open when you select a large number of elements, or large element such as a mesh with millions of facets, you have to wait for the Element Info dialog to populate before you can do anything else (including canceling the selection process). This can take a very very very long time. 

I propose the following options for the Element Info tool so it has less impact on productivity. 

  • Limit the amount of time Element Info is allowed to monopolize the system.  After a user-definable time limit (perhaps 10 seconds) Element Info would suspend processing of the selection for Info and allow the selection to become active for other uses. If the user then decides the Element Info is needed the user can then manually initiate the processing of the selection.

  • Add the option to require the user to manually initiate the processing of a selection for Info. This would allow the dialog to remain open without impacting productivity until info is desired by the user. 

Since many user like to keep the Element Info dialog open and/or docked, implementing the above ideas would greatly reduce the frustration caused by having to wait for the Element Info dialog to process every new selection. 

  • Even though I agree Properties dialog (Element information is the name used in V8i, not in CE ;-) has to be reworked and its performance is critical issue, I do not agree with the proposed ideas, because they are not real solutions, but only workarounds on top of wrongly designed and written code.

    • To limit the amount of time is only acceptance of the fact of poor the dialog performance, not a solution of the problem.
    • To pass "a responsibility to refresh content" is ugly in my opinion and does not streamline and simplify a workflow and usage.

    As I mentioned in this discussion, there are standard software development tools and best practices how to solve this situation (generalized: it's about a source emmiting data and how receiver reacts to the constantly updated stream of changes). This problem is not unique and specific to MicroStation, but it exists in any GUI where a lot data has to be represented in some structure (e.g. a tree of source files in Visual Studio, where there are projects with tens of thousands of files).

    In my opinion (based on my developer's experience), both communication / processing of changes (a user selects, potentially a lot, elements) and how the dialog itself work (what data and in what amount are always stored in the dialog) has to be reworked and changed. The solution is strictly asynchronous code with reactive communication and delayed (on demand) loading data into the dialog.



  • Offline in reply to CT

    This would be extremely helpful change for OpenPlant as well.

  • I agree, they could just add a "Refresh" button to the Element Info dialog so a use can leave it docked and not have it read information until the user hits the refresh button.

  • We've been actively testing and working on CE from launch 2 years ago waiting for key issues to get fixed we're all crossing our fingers that it'll be stable enough to move too "soon".

  • If you really want to fix your issue...

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