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CVE's + Raster Ref's with Luxology + Quickvision Output Integration

Transfered from EAP Ideas list

I would like to see the render settings (incl .mat, .pal etc) saved as part of the Saved View / DV / CVE.

This would allow the user to incoporate rendered views using Luxology, Thematic Displays etc as raster Ref's that can be updated like CVE's.

If a CVE has a rendered view output attached as a Raster Ref, then the Raster Manager would flag up any outdated renders with a 'pencil' icon, prompting the user to trigger an 'indirect' re-render of the view.

Bentley has expended a lot of effort to integrate rendering into the mainstream workflows, and has always been recognised as having very good reference tools. It would be a logical next step to integrate them this way.
