Disabling/enabling Georeferencing and Measuring within PDF file created from MicroStation printing via PDF.PLTCFG

In MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries 1), Bentley added the capability of creating a Georeferenced PDF and a PDF that can be measured. 

By default, "Enable Georeferencing" is enabled in the printer Driver configuration file, but can be disabled for troubleshooting purposes by editing the PDF.PLTCFG Printer Driver Configuration file.  Select the "Base Properties" tab, expand "Driver Properties" and change the value to Off in "Enable Georeferencing".

By default, "Enabled Measuring" is enabled in the printer Driver configuration file, but can be disabled for troubleshooting purposes by editing the PDF.PLTCFG Printer Driver Configuration file. Select the "Base Properties" tab, expand "Driver Properties" and change the value to Off in "Enable Measuring".

For those who continue to use the old style (.plt) Printer Driver configuration files, you can add the following records:

To disable "Enable Georeferencing" add:

CmdName /appname=“pdf” /command=“EnableGeoreferencing”/qualifier=“Off”

To enable "Enable Georeferencing” add:

CmdName /appname=“pdf” /command=“EnableGeoreferencing”/qualifier=“On”

To disable "Measuring" add:

CmdName /appname=“pdf” /command=“EnableMeasuring” /qualifier=“Off”

To enable "Measuring" add:

CmdName /appname=“pdf” /command=“EnableMeasuring” /qualifier=“On”

When editing the .plt file, be sure to use “Notepad” so that it will use the double quote symbol, otherwise you will get an error in the MicroStation message center.