MicroStation V8i Printer Driver Creation/Conversion

How do I create a new Printer Driver Configuration file that contains all the default properties?


Using the Printer Driver Configuration Editor,   File > New Opens the Create New Printer Driver Configuration dialog, which is used to select the type of printer driver you want to create.  Select File > Save As to create a new pltcfg containing default properties.


How do I convert my .plt file to a .pltcfg file?

Existing .plt files may be converted to .pltcfg format by opening them in the Printer Driver Configuration Editor.  To do that, first select a .pltcfg file in the Print dialog then select "File / Edit Printer Driver Configuration".  Inside the Printer Driver Configuration Editor, open your .plt file.  It will be loaded in read-only mode, as the Editor does not support writing .plt files.  When you save from the Editor, you'll be prompted to specify the name for a new .pltcfg file.