Macro for PenTable Action

I have a set of  Microstation files to plot to pdf for delivery. The files have a unique Internal Company name. Our client has indicated that they neeed a different file name displayed in the title block. At this time we do not want to rename all our files. So ...

My solution was to create a Macro that will read a CSV file with 2 columns (Internalfilename, clientfilename) , I would like via text substitution display the client's name in the border by reading the CSV file and replacing Drawing name with client's name.

In my case the CSV file look like this:


CHSPT-MOD-22-32-SEC11, AAPART-0001


Here the code I wrote so far it does not  make the text substitution,

Function PlotSheetNum(Elm as MbeElement) As Long
     Dim inString as String
     Dim status as Integer
     Dim searchforString as String
     Dim elemString as String
     Dim tempString as String
     Dim checkString as String
     Dim sheetnumber as String
     Dim lineRead As String
     Dim dgnFileName as String
     Dim csvfilename As String
     Dim commaPos    as Integer
     Dim tmpString   as String
   On error resume next
    If Elm.type = MBE_Text Or Elm.type = MBE_TextNode Then
     searchforString = "$SN$"
     status = elm.getString(elemString)
      If elemString = searchforString then
        tempString = " "
        dgnFileName = MbeDgnInfo.dgnFileName
        checkString = fileparse$(MbeDgnInfo.dgnFileName,4)
        MbeWriteMessage "CheckString is: " + checkstring
        csvfilename = "D:\SHEETS.CSV"
           Open fileName For Input As #1
             While Not EOF(1)
              Line Input #1, lineRead
              commaPos = Instr (inString, ",", 0)
                If commaPos <> 0 Then
                  tempString = Left$ (inString, commaPos - 1)
                   sheetnumber = Mid$ (inString, commaPos + 1)
                End If
                if tempString = checkString Then
                   tempString = sheetnumber
                   status = Elm.setString(tempstring)
                End if
        End if
     End if 
            Close #1
   PlotSheetNum = Mbe_ElemNormal
End Function
Sub Main
End Sub

Any Help would be appreciated



  • I think it would be easier to create a tag in your title block  ref file  then use  / borrow / create a vba macro that will import the tag value and  real file name into an excel spreadsheet .. then you use excel to put what you want into the  tag value and  use VBA to  update the  tag value in to each drawing then run batch print to batch print to pdf with the new tag values then rerun the vba to return the tag values to their original values.. there has been much discussion on how to do this vba and  several examples are available...

    If you don't wan to do it your self you can buy this title block macro from Adam Lambert its out of his CaddPro suite of tools but he will sell the individual macro,..... if I remember correctly  its under $200AUD... it would cost you more to develop your pentable macro above and  or a vba  to do what he has already done... We bought the whole package it has many tools for civil but its worth it just for the  title block manager......

    A free alternative is to download bulk rename utility it will rename 100's of files in seconds and  has a terrific gui so you can see before and  after affect before you actually  rename it  will append prepend rename renumber  just about anything you want as you create the  changes for the  first  one then drag like excel and  watch the  formula change the  file names..... then you could then leave the  $File$ in the standard pentable text substitution..

    batch print all your dgns to pdf as  per client requirement with the clients  file names.. even if you don't use the  free utlity for this problem its still very handy  and  you'll use it else where ... I use it to append the  clients drg numbers to my  file names  as the client numbers are never available during the  for proposal or for construction phase so renumber/ renameing  just takes seconds to do and as  I use the  standard pen text substitution $file$  it fixes itself in my  title blocks... very cool


    Started msnt work 1990 - Retired  Nov 2022 ( oh boy am I old )

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