Print Organizer Key-in - How can I add multiple/all files in a folder. Please Help. Thank you.

I'm writing a script file to print all DGN files from a folder to PDF. Unfortunately, PRINTORGANIZER ADD FILE command doesn't do wildcards. Aside from psets or having to type in all the files manually in the script, is there any other way to add all the files from one folder to the list? Please help. Thank you.

  • Enhancement Request 86329 is filed - Request support for wildcards or regular expressions with Print Organizer key-ins. Example, User would like to add all files from a folder to a pset, PRINTORGANIZER ADD FILE c:\temp\*.dgn. Currently the wildcard will generate “The source file ‘c:\temp\*.dgn was not recognized by any print definition provider’.

    Unfortunately I’m not aware of a workaround.

    Answer Verified By: Alvin Salazar 

  • Enhancement Request 86329 is filed - Request support for wildcards or regular expressions with Print Organizer key-ins. Example, User would like to add all files from a folder to a pset, PRINTORGANIZER ADD FILE c:\temp\*.dgn. Currently the wildcard will generate “The source file ‘c:\temp\*.dgn was not recognized by any print definition provider’.

    Unfortunately I’m not aware of a workaround.

    Answer Verified By: Alvin Salazar 
