Print Organizer Error


I am having problems with my Print Organizer that is rather frustrating that I could use any help on determining a solution. Currently I try to open a .pset which works but I seem to be unable to do anything (add files, view preview, etc.) past that. A script found below is what pops up when I do try to perform any functions within the Print Organizer. Please note I found a solution on the forms about fixing and/or replacing the NETFrame work which I did but to no help. I currently am running Microstation V8i (SELECTseries 3) - Version I have also tried using the Print Organizer in GeoPAK but am unable to get it to work there.

Exception encountered inside


- There was no endpoint listening at


that could accept the message. This is often caused by an

incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present,

for more details.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
