Print Organizer: Doesn't Recognize Multiple Sheets

Mstn V8i SS4 v08.11.09.829

I have used Print Organizer to plot multiple sheet model dgn's for a few years now and have never had this problem before. About a month ago it stopped working as I am accustomed to: I typically have the sheet model dgn open, and when I use File>Add Active File To Set ... it no longer recognizes all of the sheet models in the dgn - it only sees the sheet that is active/open. I can manually add additional sheets, but I wonder if there is a setting somewhere that was messed up, though I have never really touched it since I got it working a few years ago.

It doesn't matter which print style I use - I tried a few different styles and the sheet models aren't added. I checked my print style to be sure the Print area on the Main tab is set to sheets, and it is. Under the Fence tab, Create Print Definitions From Models is set to Prefer sheet models. Back in the main PO dialog, Edit>Preferences, Honor sheet layout is checked on. Models used when creating print definitions is set to Prefer sheet models.

If I check the properties of the one "model" that shows up when I add the active file, the Filename and Printstyle are correct, but the Model field is blank. I can pull down on Model and see all of the sheets in my file. This is my current workaround: Set the Model to the first sheet, add the active file again, set this instance's model to the second sheet, and keep adding the active file until I have all the sheet models accounted for. This obviously adds a whole lot of clicks to setting up the pset.

What should I check to have it recognize and add all of the sheet models at once?


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