Print Organiser Limit

Does anyone know the limit on the number of files that can be added to the print organiser? I have had no problem using it to print 400+ .dgn files to a single pdf however at the moment I am trying to do the same with just shy of 4000 dgns and they wont even add to the definitions list. Im assuming its due to the large quantity.

Any help greatly appreciated

Parents Reply
  • I avoid plot to single file because its all done in ram and if it  crashes ( which it can do)  say on 299 out of 400 then you loose the lot and have to start over.

    I plot all single files and in smaller batches say 100-200 at a time and restart from where it failed so I don't loose the lot  then combine the pdfs in pdf software like bluebeam review or acrobat there are many type of pdf bundlers...some even free


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