U15 - Print scale issue

Some strange behavior occurring with the print window in U15 

See image below, adjusting the scale, is adjusting the paper size and position. Seems to be that the scaling is correct relative to the required page size(A3 in this case), however, when scaling the drawing, the paper is reduced meaning that the drawing is no longer centered and the page is too small. 


  • Duncan

    Looking at your screenshots - why are plotting to view not to a fence?

    The second screenshot with a scale of 1:200 and centred looks correct based on the first at 1:399 and centred

    Or am I misinterpreting?



    currently using OBD

  • Screenshots were just to give example. 

    Normally plot using sheets and boundaries so scaling not an issue. In this instance the user that found this issue, was just trying to do a quick plot from view to output to sketch over. Using a fence makes no difference though, see below. The scale isn't the issue, it is the resulting change to the paper size. 

    examples below(using fence) may be clearer


    Image below shows the output from 2nd print window above. If you can see, note how the paper size has reduced, and cropped itself. The scale of the drawing on the pdf is correct

  • Screenshots were just to give example. 

    Normally plot using sheets and boundaries so scaling not an issue. In this instance the user that found this issue, was just trying to do a quick plot from view to output to sketch over. Using a fence makes no difference though, see below. The scale isn't the issue, it is the resulting change to the paper size. 

    examples below(using fence) may be clearer


    Image below shows the output from 2nd print window above. If you can see, note how the paper size has reduced, and cropped itself. The scale of the drawing on the pdf is correct

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