What affects sequence when plotting?

I have a single level in a nested reference in an existing  survey motif that is plotting above design, all 2D files

I have the priority of the level set to -200 in the nested reference, then I have the motif referenced in the sheet file with "never" overrides. I have the motif at the top of the sequence order in my references.

I then have my pentable set up so that the nested reference logical name is plotted at -200, the design motif is plotted at 200, and even wrote in the pentable to have the level in the nested reference plot at -200.

It STILL plots on top. I have tried enabling "non-rasterized priority sort mode" and it results in all my survey being plotted above my design. I am stumped. Is there anything else that can screw with the priority when plotting?

To summarize, I have used the following methods to make survey plot behind:

  • Negative priority in design file, referenced with never override
  • File moved to top of sequence in references
  • Used the pentable to have both the nested reference, and the level in the nested reference plot at a negative priority (and have it at the bottom of the pentable list to be the final action)


  • I'm with Mary, you've tried just about everything.

    There are other possibilities to investigate....

    • Are you printing this as a single sheet using the Print dialog, or as a set of sheets using Print Organizer? Try the other printing tool and see if you get the same results.

    • Check all of the dgn's in this print (master file and all references). Verify you don't have a rogue copy of these elements in any of those other files.

    • Is the problem level in the same file as one of your other references/master file you are plotting and you're just varying the level display between attachments?
      If so, save that problem level out to a new file and try referencing in the new file.

    Rod Wing
    Senior Systems Analyst

  • I'm with Mary, you've tried just about everything.

    There are other possibilities to investigate....

    • Are you printing this as a single sheet using the Print dialog, or as a set of sheets using Print Organizer? Try the other printing tool and see if you get the same results.

    • Check all of the dgn's in this print (master file and all references). Verify you don't have a rogue copy of these elements in any of those other files.

    • Is the problem level in the same file as one of your other references/master file you are plotting and you're just varying the level display between attachments?
      If so, save that problem level out to a new file and try referencing in the new file.

    Rod Wing
    Senior Systems Analyst
