Unable to Load Design File Error - Print Organizer

I keep getting this error message when trying to use the print organizer. It worked fine yesterday, but no longer works today.

"Unable to load design file 'F:\Temp\2022_1005_GriffinPlot\GP-PP11.dgn'"

Windows 11

Connect v

I saw this thread but nothing in there helped me.


  • Brian,

    For me this is usually the file name or file path changing or the file has been moved\deleted.
    Did have a long path problem once, but in that case Print Organizer would simply not load the file.

    Tom F.

  • It was a file that was corrupted that was causing the issue. I could open and edit it just fine, but as soon as I added it to the print organizer, it would cause that error. Was tricky to figure out, but as soon as I recreated that file, everything worked fine.

    Answer Verified By: Brian Gacke 

  • Brian, I found the answer, for mine at least. I can't figure out how to promote the originator of the answer to become a reply to this query, but the text of it was:

    "So in my many restarts of ORD to find the offending variable, the winner is.......MS_CURSORPROMPT 

    I had it set to 1 and it worked just fine except for Print Organizer and adding files to a pset. At least that is all i had run across. it has only been set for about a week and then only on our development server so nothing in production was affected. i checked and it does appear in ORD when not set by me. I thought it might have been deprecated and I stumbled across it while reading stuff here. But I remembered that I ran across it while perusing the variables to see if there was any new ones that we might want to utilize. This is one but unless it is fixed it won't be possible. I will see about putting in a SR for it soon.

    And it did not seem to matter what level the variable was set either."

    This was from user "lilsweepr" from a really deeply buried response to the same issue. I set my MS_CURSORPROMPT back to "0" and it works without a hitch. I hope others can see this.