Bumpy Roadway

It seems like I have a bumpy roadway, but only in certain locations.  I have modified the surface is those areas by deleting all the triangles in that are and redrawing only 2 or 3 (these replace anywhere from 10 to 20 triangles).  Then, I place my traffic again hoping to eliminate the bump, but they don't seem to be going away.  I set the path sampling along the vehicle path equal to 2'.  This is a high speed (50 mph) roadway.

Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations?

  • Try increasing the Path Sampling value until you like the results.

    At 50 mph your vehicle moves about 73' per second. With 2 foot samples, that's 36 samples per second. If your animation is rendering out at 30 frames per second then that would mean a new sample is used for each frame. If there are any small changes in the roadway they will be visible in the vehicle movements. By increasing the sample size you are in essence smoothing the ride of the vehicle by spreading out the samples over a longer distance.


  • Try increasing the Path Sampling value until you like the results.

    At 50 mph your vehicle moves about 73' per second. With 2 foot samples, that's 36 samples per second. If your animation is rendering out at 30 frames per second then that would mean a new sample is used for each frame. If there are any small changes in the roadway they will be visible in the vehicle movements. By increasing the sample size you are in essence smoothing the ride of the vehicle by spreading out the samples over a longer distance.


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