Luxology animation and bimg files

Hello, I'm trying to regenerate an animation using Luxology now that we have a computer that can handle it, but the problem is that for each frame of the video a huge .bimg file is generated. Is there a way to generate a Luxology animation without generating the .bimg file? It would take approximately 134 Terabytes of space to hold the 3600 frames worth of images and .bimg files.

Is there any way to drastically reduce the size of the .bimg file? Any help on this would be appreciated.



  • A terabyte is 1000 gigabytes your 3600 frames are going to take around 36,501 KB per frame or 32.6455 mb per frame this works out to be a little more than 128 gigabytes.

    You really want the BIMG until you are sure your are happy with the tone mapping while you have those you could adjust the brightness, contrast adjust gamma etc and correct all the frames even save to different format such as TIFF or JPEG without having to render all the frames over again. Once you have your movie then delete them.


  • A terabyte is 1000 gigabytes your 3600 frames are going to take around 36,501 KB per frame or 32.6455 mb per frame this works out to be a little more than 128 gigabytes.

    You really want the BIMG until you are sure your are happy with the tone mapping while you have those you could adjust the brightness, contrast adjust gamma etc and correct all the frames even save to different format such as TIFF or JPEG without having to render all the frames over again. Once you have your movie then delete them.

