Plant Factory to LumenRT plants - variations not working


It used to be in the e-on only version of LumenRT that you could create multiple .lob versions of a plant in Plant Factory and add "VAR#1,VAR#2" etc at the end of the filename.  Then LumenRT would recognize all variations as different versions of a single "species" and would automatically cycle through different versions when placing multiple plants (which of course is a great feature!).

This does not work in the current Bentley LumenRT though.  Has the naming convention changed or something?  It's definitely not a Plant Factory issue because I created a new set of variations with Plant Factory 2016 and tested in both the current and the prior e-on LumenRT version, and they still worked in the e-on version but not in the current Bentley LumenRT Update 2.

Any ideas why not working or is the naming process different now?
