Microstation - Cameras - Aspect Ratio

We are trying to use the Camera tool to check the views provided by CCTV cameras along a train station platform in a 3D model. The specific camera we wish to use has a horizontal to vertical aspect ratio of 1:2.  The camera tool has the aspect ratio locked to 2.64 and cannot be changed. Can anyone advise how to unlock the aspect ratio setting?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Padraig Daly

  • Does changing the aspect ratio of the view do what you need.  If you change the view aspect ratio, the renderings will come out at that same ratio. Visualization > View Size>Custom

    Is there as concern this will give distortions or view angles that are not consistent with the camera?  Is the CCTV lens fixed?  

  • It is a good idea to check the lens information with Define Camera Tool before you size the view. If the aspect is completely different you can reapply the camera information. I suspect you want to use a normal lens if you want a different aspect then after resizing the view use the camera lens tool and apply normal lens (50mm) to the resized view.

    In V8i if you grab that edge of the view window and make a change to the size, the view's perspective will switch to one point perspective and that is probably not what you want. You can get wacky distortions with one point perspective after you try moving the camera or target..



  • It is a good idea to check the lens information with Define Camera Tool before you size the view. If the aspect is completely different you can reapply the camera information. I suspect you want to use a normal lens if you want a different aspect then after resizing the view use the camera lens tool and apply normal lens (50mm) to the resized view.

    In V8i if you grab that edge of the view window and make a change to the size, the view's perspective will switch to one point perspective and that is probably not what you want. You can get wacky distortions with one point perspective after you try moving the camera or target..



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