LumenRT - Update 10 ... installation leaves me without a working program ..

I just commented on the add-on behaviour of Lumen-RT when working with ArchiCAD

("Der Prozedureinsprungpunkt "CCApi_DataBufferGetStringLenght" wurde in der DLL "C:\... \WebServicesClientB02.dll" nicht gefunden")

but this is worse than thought: The update leaves without a working stand-alone program

(can't open "C:\program files\bentley\bentley lumenrt connect edition - update 1\LumenRT\LumenRT_DirextX11_Editor.eon)

why is update 10 installing files in such a illogic path ?

what is an .eon-file ??

most interestingly, the update installs in some folder named

C:\Program Files\Bentley\Bentley LumenRT CONNECT Edition - Update 1\LumenRT

I guess you do propose to reinstall update 5 ... but I do press for a real solution to that error