Corrupted LumenRT file

Recently when trying to open a scene I created I get an error saying it can't open and was likely corrupted. Unfortunately my .bak file was too long ago. Is there a way I can fix the file? Can any of you open it?

When trying to attach it here it wouldn't either just saying "error". So here's a link to a copy I pasted to google drive:


  • Hi Chad,

    The .lrt file is missing data about the CAD model, this is why LumenRT shows the "file is corrupted" message.
    Unfortunately this kind of issue is not recoverable.
    I tried to bypass the error messages but:
    - the resulting scene contains no CAD model (only trees and cars);
    - if I save the file and re-open it again, I still get the error messages (because the file still references missing data).
    I do not know how LumenRT generated your corrupted .lrt file.
    Do you remember having any error message during save?


  • Do you know how this may have happened? I created the lumenRT file by exporting from microstation - power inroads, then added objects in lumenRT. No issues, the error message just popped up one day when I tried to get back in.

    There's really nothing I or anyone can do?

  • The .lrt file is an archive that contains a collection of smaller files (materials, meshes, textures etc, each of these has a corresponding file).
    When opening the .lrt file, the archive is unpacked to a temporary working directory.
    Then, upon saving, the files are packed again into the .lrt archive.
    Here, when unpacking the file, I see that many of these small files are missing.
    I do not known why they are missing, maybe something happened to the working directory while saving.

    Do you still have the Microstation file that was used to create this .lrt file?
    If so, can you share it? Maybe it is possible to do something with it.

  • Yup! Attached is the microstation file I used to export to lumenRT where I added vegetation, traffic, pedestrians, and structures/buildings. Thanks a ton for your help on this!!

    6568_Skyline Dr Visualization_60%CR.dgn

  • Thanks for the dgn file.
    I tried this:
    1- export the dgn file to a new .lrt
    2- unpack the new .lrt file, unpack the "corrupted" lrt file, and somehow merge the content.
    I hoped this would allow the corrupted .lrt to load, since the missing data were related to the Microstation model.
    Unfortunately, this did not work. I still got a lot of "corrupted file" messages, and in the end the MS model was still missing in LumenRT.
    I also tried to simply re-export the dgn file over the existing corrupted .lrt file, but the errors are still there.

    The .bak file is supposed to contain the state of your .lrt file, as it was the last time you saved.
    So, it should not be very different from the corrupted file, unless a lot of work has been done between the successive saves.
    Is it not possible to go on from the .bak file?

  • Thanks for the dgn file.
    I tried this:
    1- export the dgn file to a new .lrt
    2- unpack the new .lrt file, unpack the "corrupted" lrt file, and somehow merge the content.
    I hoped this would allow the corrupted .lrt to load, since the missing data were related to the Microstation model.
    Unfortunately, this did not work. I still got a lot of "corrupted file" messages, and in the end the MS model was still missing in LumenRT.
    I also tried to simply re-export the dgn file over the existing corrupted .lrt file, but the errors are still there.

    The .bak file is supposed to contain the state of your .lrt file, as it was the last time you saved.
    So, it should not be very different from the corrupted file, unless a lot of work has been done between the successive saves.
    Is it not possible to go on from the .bak file?
