PBR questions in 17.2

I have some question about PBR materials in 17.2:

1)Metallic/Roughness: if Metallic is at 0 the effect of Roughness in the render is irrelevant in the values ​​0-99 it changes only if it is at 100, is it right that it works like this?

2) Normal: the normal map defaults to 100 and there is no way to move the roller, is that correct? and if so why?

3)Height: Is it possible to know according to which unit of measure the entered value acts? (UP or inches or millimeters?)

4)Luminace materials: how should it be regulated? it has no power selector

5) This new menu has appeared, could you explain how it works? Do you plan to introduce new features when you insert them?

6) Save multiple image command doesn't work with relighting, render hangs and MSCE crashes, will you fix it?

Thank you.

  • Hi Diego,

    The Metallic and Roughness channels are separate, the roughness channel determines how shiny the material is whereas zero is very shiny, not rough and 100 is very dull. You can easily see this in the shaded view using one of the material widgets. The normal map issue could very well be a bug. The height maps are a cheap way to get a look of displacement mapping without the computing overhead, there is no way to equate this to a unit of measure. BTW the more extensive the area being covered the more drastic the height map effect will be and this is something you have to adjust based on where the material is being used luckily you can get real-time feedback in the shaded view in MicroStation.

    For glowing material, the amount of glow will be based on its RGB values where 255,255,255 is full-power white light 128,128,128 would be a dimmer white light. Bright pure blue light would be 0,0,255 etc.

    The new area you are asking about is clearcoat this is a thin coating that goes on top of material think of automotive paints.

    Here is the documentation from VUE about Clearcoat and the settings.

    The Clearcoat channel simulates the effect of a thin reflective layer on top of a surface. A common use case is the transparent coating on top of car paint.

    Normal Production Clearcoat layer has its own normal definition. Use the Normal Mode drop-down list to select a mode for the normal production. The Intensity parameter defines how much percentage of the vector defined by the normal production is applied to the original normal of the surface.

    Parameters The Intensity option defines the presence of the layer. 0 % means no effect. The Tint option defines the color of the coat. This color will be multiplied by the underlying color. The Roughness option defines the blurriness of the coat reflections. The Refraction Index option defines a specific Index of Refraction for the coat. The Flatten option defines the amount of blends between the specific normal of the coat (100%) and the bumped normal of the underlying layer (0%). If no normal production is defined, the specific normals of the coat are smooth.

    Hope this helps,


  • A bug is created for the issue with Normal Map slider under Clearcoat (#1096074)

    Can you provide with details on the crash with Save Multiple Image tool with Relighting ; test case or steps ?



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