Redundant References

 Version(s):V8i and later

What is a Redundant Reference

A redundant reference is a reference that appears as a nested reference in more than one place in the hierarchy tree and is at the same location, scale, and rotation, with the same clip boundary, i.e. a redundant reference is a duplicate nested reference.

Example of a Redundant Reference

Reference Tree example:
Master file.dgn
                        |--Ref-A.dgn (Attachment A)
                        |--Ref-A.dgn (Attachment B)

Reference attachment A is considered redundant with attachment Reference B if:

  1. Attachment A and Attachment B are the same file and model.
  2. Attachment A and Attachment B are nested through two different direct references (i.e. multiple attachments to the same model are never considered redundant with each other, it is assumed that this was done on purpose).
  3. Attachment A and Attachment B have the same origin, scale factor, and rotation.
  4. Attachment A and Attachment B are both have the display turned on.
  5. Attachment A and Attachment B have the same clipping.

Indication that the reference is redundant

If you see ditto ticks (“) in the Snap, Display and Locate columns of the Reference dialog, it means that the attachment is redundant.

Handling Redundant References in MicroStation

Redundant references are not displayed in MicroStation. Since the same elements would need to be processed and displayed on top of each other (same location, scale, and rotation, with the same clip boundary), the performance would be slowed without adding any additional information to the drawing. To improve the performance of the program, the duplicate reference is not processed.

The redundancy check does not look at level display masks or level symbology, as that would be a time-consuming test, and could affect performance.

In MicroStation V8 XM Edition and later, it is possible to disable the redundancy check. To do this set configuration variable:


- Setting this variable to 0 can noticeably affect performance and slow down the application.
- Before V8 XM, the variable MS_REF_CYCLECHECK = 0 was set to disable the redundancy check.

 Original Author:Rick Ruth