Errors when I try to edit my Printer Driver Configuration (.pltcfg)

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Printing
Original Author:Ed Yepes, Bentley Technical Support Group







Problem Description

When I try to edit my Printer Driver Configuration (.pltcfg) file I get the following error:

The printer driver configuration file ..\filename.PLTCFG cannot be opened
The property 'Driver' is not defined
The Property 'ResolutionUnits' is not defined
The property 'ResolutionUnitsPerDot' is not defined

If I try to use it from the dialog box, I get an error message which reads:
Invalid Printer Driver Configuration
File...\filename.PLTCFG. See message Center for more information.
The printer driver configuration ...\filename.pltcfg is not valid
and if I highlight the message the details read:
The property 'Driver' is not defined
The Property 'ResolutionUnits' is not defined
The property 'ResolutionUnitsPerDot' is not defined

Steps to Resolve

The file user was trying to use as a Printer Driver Configuration was not in a
format understood by MicroStation. The file had the correct name and extension,
but in another file format that had been named in its place.