Use ADOBE touch up text in the PDF

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Print/Plot
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Mark Marrero, Bentley Technical Support Group


User wants to create a PDF via PDF.pltcfg and be able to use ADOBE touch up text in the PDF


Both MicroStation and InterPlot produce "searchable" text in PDF.  That's not the same thing as "editable" text. To produce searchable text, we write the text characters (when we can) using an invisible color and Courier New font. We distort the invisible text greatly in order to make it fit underneath and within the bounding box of the visible text, which is drawn in the correct font using primitive graphics (polygons). When the user searches for a given text string, the invisible text object is selected, not the primitive graphics. But since the invisible string's range is coincident with the visible graphics corresponding to that string, the result is the same. But of course, a collection of polygons cannot be edited using the Text tool.

Writing editable "text as text", using embedded fonts, is a very difficult task. We have spent time on it, but have not managed to achieve acceptable quality given MicroStation's wide range of text and font functionality.