How to set a default paper size in the plot driver file *.pltcfg and maximize the size regardless of

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Print/Plot
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Marion Powell, Bentley Technical Support Group


How to set a default paper size in the plot driver file *.pltcfg and maximize the size regardless of the size of the sheet model
being selected; this works manually (from the dialog) but not from the .pltcfg file.


Set the following MicroStation configuration variables:
MS_PLT_ENABLE_PRESERVE_SCALE=0 --> to setting of prevent previous scale
MS_PLT_MAX_ON_NEW_AREA=1 --> to maximize plot
MS_PLT_HONOR_SHEET_INFO=0 --> to disable honor the
sheet size