How do I control the "Rasterized / Non-Rasterized" toggle button in the print dialog?

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Print/Plot
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Edwin Yepes, Bentley Technical Support Group


How do I control the "Rasterized / Non-Rasterized" toggle button in the print dialog?


You can control this button by using the record 'output_mode' in the plotter driver file.
You can indicate whether the setting is a preference, in which case the user is allowed to change it after the driver loads, or a requirement, in which case the toggle button is disabled. Note that you cannot use this record to override an output mode enforced by the driver itself, i.e. LORIP and rasterized mode, or a rendering mode requiring rasterization.

The syntax is: output_mode = < force_rasterized |prefer_rasterized | force_nonrasterized | prefer_nonrasterized >.