User wants to be able to use an Environment Variable for Raster Images



User wants to be able to use an Environment Variable so when someone attaches a raster image that it will not matter if the user is using a different share drive letter than the user who attached the raster image to the DGN file. When the user attaches the raster image they want to use the Environment Variable as the folder path, which will show the UNC path instead of the folder path.


  1. Define your environment variable in Workspace > Configuration
    1. Variable Name: Variable Name to be used
      (eg. RASTEST1)
    2. Variable Path: Machine path to be used
      (eg. \\mcalf30881hsv\test\)
  2. Raster Manager > File > Attach
  3. Attach Raster Reference
    1. On the top right next to the Bentley , you will see a folder with a star in the middle
    2. Click the folder with the star in it
    3. Select Configuration Variable
    4. Select the environment variable the you defined in the list
  4. Select your raster image

In raster manager if you right click on the raster image name you will see the environment variable path name and the raster image name.

You must define the Configuration Variable name on all of your workstations. If you use both MicroStation and Descartes or you use multiple custom workspaces then you will need to define the Environment Variable in both MicroStation and Descartes and all of your custom workspaces. The environment variable will only be valid in the workspaces that you define the Environment Variable.

See also

Use An Environment Variable to Define UNC Path For Raster Image Attachment

Other language sources

 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group